Statement by Andrew Wilsmore, CEO, Alcohol Beverages Australia
“Finally, Australia is seeing some long-awaited reform in the hospitality sector, more than 20 years after COAG recommended States and Territories achieve a nationally recognised Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) certificate.
“We applaud the decision by Victoria to move RSA training online and importantly recognise any other jurisdiction’s RSA qualification with the simple completion of a free online refresher course.
“The half million Australians working in hospitality, retail and tourism who serve beers, wines and spirits are required to hold a Responsible Service of Alcohol qualification, but many States and Territories won’t recognise a certificate issued in another jurisdiction.
“This means hospitality workers will often have to re-sit at their own or their employers expense a largely similar training course if they relocate. A winemaker, brewer or distiller wanting to showcase their product will often have to sit a number of tests and have several RSA certificates just to conduct tasting events across the country.
“We encourage other States and Territories to mirror the Victorian move and remove a cost and barrier to industry employment.”
Media enquiries:
Tony Ritchie
Director, Media & Communications
Ph: 0407 002 704
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