ABA statement in response to Cancer Council research on labelling claims

Alcohol Beverages Australia CEO, Andrew Wilsmore has responded today to new research[1] released by the Cancer Council.

“Australian consumers are increasingly searching for products that align to their environmental, health, or social values. Our industry has responded to this customer-led trend by producing a range of drinks that are sustainably produced, are lower in alcohol, contain less sugars or carbohydrates, are locally made, or support social causes,” Wilsmore said.

“These drinks cover a vast array of consumer needs, so the research is inherently flawed to suggest they are marketed under an umbrella term as ‘healthy’.

“Industry, public health and government have all worked hard at helping consumers understand the concept of a standard drink, and their own research was quite clear that every product carried this important consumer information.”

[1] Keric, D., Myers, G., & Stafford, J. (2021). Health halo or genuine product development: Are better‐for‐you alcohol products actually healthier? Health Promotion Journal of Australia. Published. https://doi.org/10.1002/hpja.531

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Correction Via Letter To Editor – Sydney Morning Herald

"The Alcohol industry is working positively and closely with FSANZ to implement energy labelling on its products to assist consumers make informed responsible choices. Any claim that the introduction of energy labelling is not supported by the alcohol industry is...

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