About Us
Alcohol Beverages Australia is the pan-industry body created to highlight the positive social, cultural and economic contribution of alcohol beverages in Australia.
Our goal is promoting, explaining and defending the legitimate rights of the industry and the 15 million Australians who responsibly enjoy our drinks.
With members from all parts of the Australian alcohol beverages industry, Alcohol Beverages Australia uses a balanced, evidence-based approach to actively engage in public debate on alcohol policy issues and lead the development of innovative and effective alcohol policies.

The Objectives of Alcohol Beverages Australia are:
- to support initiatives that encourage the responsible consumption of alcohol beverages in Australia;
- to ensure a stable political, social and commercial environment in which the alcohol beverage industry may grow sustainably;
- to act as a single unified forum on agreed alcohol beverage issues in Australia and communicate the collective views of Members;
- to promote the positive social, cultural and economic contribution of alcohol beverages and the industry in Australia; and
- to contribute to an informed debate by:
- facilitating lawful Member collaboration including lawful coordination of industry positions and responses on agreed alcohol beverage issues;
- analysing, summarising and disseminating research, data and practice on alcohol beverage issues to Members and external stakeholders; and
- ensuring the interests of those who produce, sell and consume alcohol beverages responsibly are fairly represented