The Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE) has contravened its own purpose – and is wasting taxpayers’ money – by funding a study into ACT clubs’ gambling activities.
“FARE is an organisation formed with a $115 million government grant with the sole purpose of distributing funding for programs and research aimed to prevent alcohol-related harms, but has now been caught out funnelling this public money to another purpose altogether,” Alcohol Beverages Australia Executive Director Fergus Taylor said.
“FARE was exposed in January for using false cost calculations in its criticism of the alcohol industry, but continues to use the same discredited calculations.
“FARE has repeatedly shown that it can’t be trusted with facts. Now FARE is showing it can’t be trusted with taxpayers’ money.
“This is a dangerous overreach on FARE’s part. Funds it has received should be put towards initiatives to address alcohol-related issues. This misuse of specifically-allocated public funds speaks not only to the organisation’s credibility, but also raises serious questions about its management.
“Governments should think very carefully before handing any more of taxpayers’ money to this organisation.”
Alcohol Beverages Australia is the peak industry body created to highlight the positive social, cultural and economic contribution of alcohol beverages in Australia, and promote, explain and defend the legitimate rights of the industry and the 15 million Australians who drink responsibly.
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Matt Johnston
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