Underage Drinking
The Australian alcohol beverages industry has zero tolerance for underage drinking. The industry strongly supports the rigorous enforcement of secondary supply laws because over 90% of underage people obtain alcohol from family and friends.
Underage drinking and risky drinking by young people has been falling for the last 15 years and 72% of 14-17 year olds don’t drink at all.
These positive trends are due to better education on drugs and alcohol and Australian parents becoming more aware that they are role models for their children’s attitudes to alcohol, and that they should not supply alcohol.
The biggest drinking behaviour influencers for young people are parents and peers. The alleged link between advertising and underage drinking is simply not backed up by evidence.
The Australian alcohol beverages industry believes young people should be educated about alcohol before they start drinking so that they are better equipped to drink responsibly. They should understand real-world scenarios to help them manage their drinking, resist peer pressure, and empower them to support their peers as well. That’s why we will continue to invest in positive and impactful programs such as those run by DrinkWise Australia.
DrinkWise Australia’s ‘Kids absorb your drinking’ campaign targets parents and encourages them to consider how their own drinking behaviour is influencing their children. The ‘How to Drink Properly’ campaign targeting 18-24 year olds stigmatises binge-drinking while making responsible drinking aspirational.
For industry media comment regarding this issue please contact Alcohol Beverages Australia
Read More
- DrinkWise Australia – Managing Teen Drinking https://drinkwise.org.au/#q=Managing%20Teen%20Drinking&r=true
- DrinkWise Australia – Kids and Alcohol Don’t Mix https://drinkwise.org.au/wp-content/uploads/6.01-MixSDG-0416-DL-6pp-Kids-and-Alcohol.pdf
- Australian Government Department of Health and Aging – Australian secondary school students’ use of tobacco, alcohol, and over-the counter and illicit substances in 2011 – http://www.nationaldrugstrategy.gov.au/internet/drugstrategy/Publishing.nsf/content/BCBF6B2C638E1202CA257ACD0020E35C/$File/National%20Report_FINAL_ASSAD_7.12.pdf
- Australian Government National Drug Strategy Household Survey 2013 http://aihw.gov.au/publication-detail/?id=60129549469